Retail Foresights
with AI powered prediction templates
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In the retail sector we are constantly challenged to optimize processes, reduce costs, mitigate churn, improve customer experience and much more.

Gaining deep understanding from customer engagement and extracting foresights fast is a never-ending story. We always need to be as close to consumers as possible.

Social listening is important to know our consumers' brand experience, but most of the social media images are neither tagged nor mention our brand in the text.

Does your information base look like this?
Purchase Transactions
Engagement & Interaction
Experience & Intent
Sample: Visual Listening

You need to understand your consumers' brand experience, but most of the social media images that include your logo are neither tagged nor mention your brand in the text. Your favorite e-commerce platform supports automated metadata extraction, but is not able to detect all these positive and negative mentions of your brand.

Search the template market for an image recognizer that supports your favorite e-commerce platform. Then, pick your favorite search engine as your data destination.

Customize your selected template(s) to your individual needs and arrange them into a data workflow. Predictive Works. supports you with a code-free visual editor.

Connect your customized template(s) to your favorite e-commerce platform.

Feed Predictive Works. foresight fabric with your customized template(s). Templates are transformed into big data applications automatically, and your desired foresights are generated.

Connect to your selected search engine. Then, you are ready to go beyond metadata and tag extraction and learn what your customers really think about your brand.

Take the next step
You want to master your business decisions with data foresights?
You are convinced that your data expertise remains insufficient?
You believe predictive analytics exceeds your project budget?