"It is just a project management tool connected to a market place."
When we become aware that we need business foresights, it is impossible to specify how a solution should look like.
At this stage it is important to describe the problem and the desired outcome first.
Our templates integrate with you at this point and organize your predictive journey as a business project. Problem and outcome are specified as a business case.
Imagine if you could go shopping for business cases and get inspired how others have managed this step.
Now it is time to take the next step and breakdown your business case into one or more tasks.
Our templates integrate with you at this point and support your predictive journey with business tasks.
Each business task either directly contributes to your desired outcome or defines the input for the your next task.
If you hesitate which tasks are appropriate, go shopping for available tasks on our market and get inspired from what others have done.
At this stage, it is time to get each task done by a data solution.
You will master this step with blueprints, our predefined solution templates for many use cases.
If you do not know which blueprint exactly fits your needs, again, go shopping on our market and learn how others have mastered this step.
Settle back and remember what happened: You managed to answer predictive questions without any data science and programming skills.
It is a fundamental fact that predictive software is required to transform your data into business foresights. But we contradict that experts are needed to make this happen.
Send your blueprints to our foresight fabric and the desired outcome is automatically computed.
Predictive Works. is a cooking machine with all the ingredients included to prepare outstanding dishes. And templates are recipes you need to control this machine.
This makes us different and empowers you to become a master chef.
A big part of the functionality of big data analytics platforms responds to common and recurring infrastructure and integration challenges.
Often this huge potential for reuse and standardization is ignored, and the wheel is reinvented again and again.
Our foresight fabric integrates with high-class big data and cloud technologies and is organized in well-defined architectural layers.
Each layer is built from containers with standardized interactions and provides an abstraction of underlying technologies. This leaves the wrestling with infrastructure and integration problems far behind.
Containerization is not the end of the game, but far more the foundation to extend standardization to the next level: predictive workflows.
All these workflows connect to data sources, collect and transform data, enrich and prepare them for advanced analysis, analyze them and finally feed a data destination with the computed foresights.
We respond to this huge standardization potential and offer a predefined set of standard workflow containers to support this clear functionality of data workflows.
The procedural paradigm does not scale. Configuration agility is what matters for predictive workflows.
Extracting & separating workflow logic from its physical implementation is the ultimate step to gain this data maturity level.
Our solution blueprints describe this logic in an intuitive workflow language and represent declarative construction manuals how software is automatically created from standardized components.
Answering predictive business questions no longer depends on experts and becomes manageable for everyone.
This is how artifical intelligence is "democratized".